Benchmarking Today’s Value for Tomorrow’s Growth
Valuations are used extensively by individual shareholders, Directors, executive management (CEO/CFO), Trust Departments, attorneys, and investors for analysis of community banks.
Finalized reports are typically completed in seven working days excluding ‘fairness opinions.’
Acknowledged Expert
CAMELS Consulting Group’s principal, is an acknowledged expert witness within the financial industry. He has prepared and signed several hundred valuations over his career.
Stock Valuations have been prepared to address both individual investor and corporate requests, such as; Fairness Opinions, Capital Offerings, Stock Option Plans, Estate Settlements, and Buy/Sell Agreements. A more complete listing of valuation engagements has been further identified in the right hand column.
Determining Fair Market Value (FMV)
Community Bank stock offers, in many cases, complex issues encompassing price, insider ownership, majority ownership, liquidity, stock splits, or sudden block sales.
Analysis requires a thorough knowledge of bank financials, regulatory oversight, and shares/type outstanding to ascertain ‘fair market value.’
Valuation Reports provide an indepth perspective on the performance of your institution/or impact of potential stock transactions for specific or general valuation purposes. CAMELS valuations take into perspective the institution’s banking franchise along with financial analysis specific to privately held institutions.
Analysis of Stock Performance
Stock price performance over time is essential in effecting a successful implementation of a Stock Navigation Program, secondary offering, or the aftermarket success of an Investment Banking transaction. Valuations properly constructed provides boards and management deep perspectives on actions needed in attaining increased and consistent fair market value (FMV).
- Reports are comprised of analysis that offer commentary and footnotes elevating investor understanding;
- Address transactional and street value of the institutions stock;
- Provide peer group performance comparisons;
- Offer communication of performance analysis is essential for maintaining shareholder interest and capturing investor interest.
Quantitative Resources
CAMELS accesses extensive industry resources and information derived from external public data bases in securing both market information and financial reports. Understanding the value of bank stocks is our business.
Key to valuation analysis is review of an institution’s financial performance, but also focuses on transactional and street values of the institutions stock. Our reports are comprised of over sixty pages of valuation analysis that offer commentary and foot notes elevating investor understanding.
Our valuation experience is based on two decades of appraising the value of a community banks whether privately or publicly held, or operating under complex ownership structures. We welcome your inquiry and will immediately follow up with a prompt valuation opinion.
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