Why Camels CommunityLink?

[greenbutton]CAMELS CommunityLink offers a unique combination of discovery, intent, and processes for answering one key question … Where will I find my next shareholder?[/greenbutton]

Short Orientation Session

Most importantly, your staff will immediately see the value and be able to learn how to effectively use the system with just a short orientation session. The program is easy to use, offers intuitive processes based on a point and click method, and is a simple but powerful tool for capturing customer opportunities.

Ideal Program

CAMELS CommunityLink is the ideal business development program to energize your bank’s organic growth initiatives. It is structured to provide community banks the ability to continually identify new shareholders, prospective customers and community gatekeepers.

Many Options

The identification process is only the start. Users can take a contact through a full sales cycle or refer a business lead to other decision makers in the bank or set up special email alerts to accomplish that task, automatically.


You can now do away with your one dimensional excel spreadsheets, scraps of paper, internal call forms, and inability to discover your next shareholder or loan customer.

Aligns With Your Community

CAMELS CommunityLink aligns your bank with your community. Your contributors can conveniently retain contact information ready for either immediate referral to the bank’s market maker or loan officer or to set-up the next meeting or business luncheon.

[brownbutton]Take Charge of Your Shareholder Base Today![/brownbutton]