Editing content within CSL can be accomplished by clicking on ‘Edits’ in the menu directory on the left side of the page. The process is intuitive with all changes saved automatically by clicking on ‘Stop Editing’ at the top of the page.

How to Edit existing information placed within CSL can be accomplished by clicking on ‘Edits’ in the menu directory under ACTIONS on the left side of the page. The process is intuitive with all changes saved automatically by ‘clicking on Stop Editing’ at the top of the page.

When you click on the selected category for editing, the next page automatically opens in Edit Mode. Plese note multiple areas that Edits can be made in CSL.

Stop editing this list2
Editing Options:
#1 Click within the cell you wish to change data and place in new information.
#2 Click on the ‘down arrow’ to identify replacement content. Each cell has available categories for selection.
When FINISHED EDITING click on Stop Editing and the changes will be automatically saved.
If you have additional Edits to do … just click on EDIT in the next line pick the cell you want to change content.