When adding your prospect/customer into BusinessLink it asks for ‘Initially Referred By’. Almost all of the time this will be you, unless you are adding the prospect for someone else.


  • It is important to put your name if you referred this customer to the bank.
    • By putting your name in the referral source, this will help to build your pipeline within the bank.
    • You can also see how much business you have brought to the bank.
  • You will easily be able to see who you have added into the system, by looking at ‘Your Dashboard’, or in ‘Referrals Submitted’


  • Referrals in You Dashboard can easily show you potential business that can be brought to the bank.
  • The second part to a referral is assigning the lead to the correct person.
    • After Adding the Prospect/Customer into the system, you then have to ‘Add a Bank Product’ to that customer.
    • When adding the bank product it will again ask for ‘Referred By’, this will once again be you.
    • ‘Lead Assigned To’ will either be you if you handle that bank product or will be whoever handles that bank product within the bank. Use the provided ‘name directory’ if you are assigning the Lead to someone else.


  • Assigning a Lead transfers that prospect to whoever handles the bank product they are after.
    • This is important so that the proper person handles the prospect/customer.
  • When a lead has been assigned to you, you will receive an email letting you know that you have been assigned a contact.
  • This contact will know appear in your ‘Leads Assigned’
